Alstom - CZ
In the field of railway transportation the Alstom Group is the only complex multi-specialization supplier of all the possible goods and services, from vehicles and their maintenance to signalizing and infrastucture.
Advanced World Transport a.s. - CZ
The AWT Group, member of PKP CARGO Group, is among the most important suppliers of services in the field of railway transportation in Europe.
Austbreck-Wabtec - Aus
is a leader in production of pantagraphs, and electrification equipment for railways in Australia and New Zealand.
A-Z Lokomat – SK
Supplier and seller of spare parts for locomotives, supplier of electrical, electro-mechanical, mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic, and bodywork parts.
Bombardier - CDN
It is a Canadian industrial concern producing particularly aircrafts and railway vehicles (trains, trams, trams on tyres)
Contact Engineering - ZA
A company specializing in production and repairing of electro-mechanical technologies for streaming and disconnection of electrical current used in production of electricity, railway transportation, mining, and in heavy industry.
CZ Loko - CZ
The CZ Loko, a. s, Company is an important producer of locomotives and special railway vehicles
ČD Cargo, a.s. – CZ
It is a Czech railway transportation company which deals with freight. This company is a daughter company of the Czech Railway Company.
ČD národní dopravce - CZ
The Czech Railway Company is a national railway transportation company. In the Czech Republic this company is the leading transportation provider and carrier both in passanger and freight transportations.
ČD Telematika a.s. – CZ
ČD – Telematika a. s. is an important provider of wholesale internet, data, and voice services as well as services in the area of maintenance and construction of optical infrastructures.
Dopravní podnik města Brna, a.s. - CZ
It is the major provider of public transportation in the territory of the City of Brno.
EC Engineering Sp. – PL
is one of the best development offices in Europe.
Faiveley Transport - RU
The company deals with development and production of electrical traction devices for locomotives, trams, trolleybuses, and metros.
Faiveley Transport Birkenhead Limited - GB
Faiveley Transport Birkenhead Limited provides railway systems and services. The company sells products and services for railway transportation.
Faiveley Transport Rail Technologies India Ltd. - IN
Faiveley Transport Tours - FR
Legios - CZ
LEGIOS LOCO is an important European producer of railway freight wagons and spare parts, having experience in production, repair, and modernization of railway coaches and locomotives.
Metrans Dyko - CZ
The METRANS DYKO Rail Repair Shop, Ltd., is an important partner with long-time experience in repairs of railway vehicles.
Pars nova is a traditional Czech company with a prominent position on the market in the field of railway vehicles production, renovations, and repairs.
Qingdao Faiveley SRI Rail Brake Co., Ltd. - CN
The company deals with production of railway machines and devices.
Sécheron Tchéquie s.r.o. – CZ
It produces components for traction railway vehicles and stationary machines and devices. It also makes various types of speedswitchers, contactors, and other force devices as well as a complete assortment of DC distributors. The company is also engaged in production of railway machines and devices.
Schunk Bahn- und Industrietechnik GmbH - AT
The Schunk Group is an interneational technological group. It offers a wide variety of products and services in the field of carbon technologies and ceramics, simulation environments and air-conditioning technologies, and ultrusound welding.The Schunk Group is an interneational technological group. It offers a wide variety of products and services in the field of carbon technologies and ceramics, simulation environments and air-conditioning technologies, and ultrusound welding.
Schunk Praha s.r.o. – CZ
Schunk Carbon Technology is a supranational company with a tradition of more then 100 years. It is a leading company in the area of graphite, graphite components, and technical ceramics production. These products are used for transfering power, high temperature, and mechanical applications (tribology). The Schunk company develops all its products in compliance with the strictest quality requirements taking into consideration optimal economical and operating parameters.
Stemmann - DE
The company provides high-quality hardware and top-class systems for flexible transfer of power and data.
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SŽDC s.o. - CZ
In compliance with Czech legislation this company operates both national and regiaonal railways that are the property of the Czech Republic. It makes sure they are in good conditions and is engaged in their renovation and development so that they meet the transportation requirements of the country.
Výzkumný Ústav Železniční a.s. - CZ
It is an institute specializing in providing technical expertises and comprehensive solutions for railway systems and railway transportation.
Wabtec, a.s. - CZ
This company is a leading provider of products and services based on added value to railway freight, and services for passangers and target groups all around the world.
ZhengTong Technology Co. Ltd - CN
It is a prominent Chinese trading company being active all around the world.
ZSSK Cargo, a.s. – SK
It is a Slovak carrier being active in freight transport. The mission of this company is to provide reliable, safe, ecological services, and economically reasonable prices in the area of freight transport aimed at customers´requirements.
Železničná společnosť Slovensko - CZ
This company, seated in Bratislava, is the biggest Slovak provider of railway transportation.
ŽOS Vrútky a.s. – SK
It is a modern, technologically developed, and dynamic company of Slovak origin which has an interesting machinery and electrotechnical tradition – successfully embodied in its products such as its own railway vehicles and their components.
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ŽOS Trnava, a.s.
It is the biggest workshop for railway vehicles repairs in Central Europe. The company produces new freight railway vehicles, provides overhauls, service and railway vehicles maintenance as well as their conversions, renovations, production and repairs of their underframes, connecting rods, production and repairs of wheel sets.
ŽOS Zvolen, a.s.
It is an important workshop for locomotive repairs in Central Europe. The company repairs railway vehicles, provides overhauls, service and railway vehicles maintenance as well as their conversions, renovations, production and repairs of their undeframes, repairs of engines, brake components, wheel sets and all the electroinstallations. ŽOS Zvolen, joint stock company, and ŽOS Trnava, joint stock company, constitute ŽOS Trnava Group.
4 Rail a.s. – CZ
It is a firm active on the markets of city transportation systems and railway transportation.