Warranty provided

We provide consultations regarding metrology for our clients. Our information system is able to check recalibration times not only for our etalons and measuring tools but also for our customer’s measuring tools. This is why we are able to provide constant metrological continuity of measuring tools and therefore also the quality of our products. This service of regular recalibration is closely bonded to our system of repeated renewal of the warranty of measuring device. When selling the device to the customer we provide:

Standard 2-year warranty

  • drecommended recalibration period is 1 to 2 years
  • ecommended inspection period is 1 year (free of charge during warranty period)


System of repeated renewal of the warranty for SMC systems

(if the recalibration period of 2 years and annual inspections – free of charge during warranty - are respected, you will get this system automatically) For more information do not hesitate to contact the manufacturer EXACTIS CZ using info@exactis.cz.

EXACTIS CZ company has contracted an accredited calibration laboratory of Czech Metrological Institute to maintain the top quality and accuracy of our measuring systems. Each our etalon has international continuity.


Thanks to the worldwide use of our devices we are able to meet the needs of our clients and set up calibration centres even in distant destination such as India, South Africa or Australia.